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Flora United SA was founded in 2007 after Bergflora acquired farm in Malmesbury, Clanwilliam South Africa. Investors Niek Oudendijk and Willem Verhoogt invested in the land, with Bertu Nieuwoudt stepping in as shareholder and farm manager.


Bertu proved to be an outstanding grower and with his knowledge Flora United SA grows top quality products and with Willem Verhoogt’s input the project is expanding and has shifted its focus on Nutans, Blushing Brides, Bruneacea, different Ayoba varieties and a wide variety of Wax varieties, both from Israel and Australia.


As of 2020 Flora United SA is a strong and growing company, cultivating over 60ha of land for the growth of flowers (45ha) and oranges (15ha).


Flora United Portugal was also founded in 2007 with the expectations of matching Flora United SA's potential. Several setbacks including storm damage and frost damage threw a massive spanner in the initial works of manager and co-shareholder Pieter Gits but things slowly started to pick up as of 2008. The company has since expanded vastly, with several patches of land added to it over the course of more than ten years.


October 2020 marked the beginning of a new era for Flora United Portugal with another decision to start expanding the company further. As of 2020 Flora United Portugal cultivates 50ha of land where it grows exotic flowers. Future plans include fine tuning the product range in order to shorten the supply chain and to further optimize the company’s knowledge of it’s products and packaging.

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